Tuesday, June 21, 2005

iPod blues

(this is actually bob II's japanese cousin, but the family resemblance is striking and i don't actually have a picture of bob II himself. )

my ipod, bob II (named after my first ipod, bob I) has decided to pull a bob I on me and stop working. damn those wonderful, life-changing gadgets. i have the worst luck with anything electronic. maybe i have some electric force field thing around me that short circuits anything with a microchip or a motor. who knows?

in any case, apple was kind enough to send me a shipping box and now bob II is on his way to get repaired. halleluja and praise the lord!! but what, oh what am i to do in the intervening weeks? if you don't have an ipod then you will not understand , but i have become very codependant on bob II. i now live most moments of my life to a sountrack played through cute, little white headphones and i feel lost without my dear companion! so lost that (confession time) i "borrowed" my roommate's ipod today without asking. i couldn't help it. even though her music is different i needed something to listen to. it's not my fault! ok, maybe it is, but still...

anywho. i'm hungover and my brain isn't feeling up to par so i would like to apologize for the lack of literary merit contained within this post. the main purpose of writing anything is to let you all know that i'm about to blow this town and head up to the big apple. i'll only be gone for a few days but blog fans have a tendancy to be fair-weather about their devotion and i figured that if i didn't squeeze in at least one post before i left that many of you might wander off and forget about me. so i tricked all of you into sticking around with this shitty-ass post. i'm sneaky like that. (eyes shift to the right. then to the left).

well, i'll be back soon. hopefully with some new york-inspired stories. man, that place is nuts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I have a bob II myself. I shudder to think of a week without him.